Cosmic Alchemy is a unique one-of-a-kind style of astrology. It is the alchemy of eastern and western traditions blended into a five-fold approach to wellness.
Shining the light into the darkness of the soul can be a scary and arduous path.
You are not alone.
As the sparks of life and joy light up and glow vibrantly from within… you are well on your journey to wholeness.
Let’s change your story!
Irysrose Wolf Pearl bring nearly 30 years in holistic health experience and over 10 years experience as a professional astrologer. Her background includes Chinese medicine teachings, Chinese face-reading, psychic intuitive mediumship, herbalism, evolutionary/esoteric/medical/galactic astrology, trauma-based healing, medical intuition, energy healing/Reiki, homeopathy, meditation, qigong, shamanic breathwork, functional nutrition, psychic gifts, shamanic teachings and so much more.