What is your soul waiting to discover?
Medical Astrology
It is thought that the original use of astrology was as a way to diagnose dis-ease and discover the outcome and method to heal.
The consultation can be used to review a current condition or to maintain general health. Good health habits are the best prevention to dis-ease. Dietary recommendations will be made based on the astrology chart.
Supplements, herbals, flower essence, and gem prescriptions will be recommended.
Custom flower essence remedies or gemstone elixirs are available on my Etsy shop. A 10% coupon will be mailed to you after the purchase of this session.
Elemental Astrology
This is a unique type of session that goes beyond astrology. I blend Eastern and Western techniques including the elemental make-up, past life patterns, karmic connections, transits, progressions and solar arcs. The session will flow based on your needs.
A session can help with finding balance in health, relationship, life challenges, and more depending on what you are seeking at the time.
I highly recommend all first time clients to choose the 90 minute session option.
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The astrology of locations.
Great to help you decide where to live if you are considering moving. The planets influence the energy of the area you live and vacation. No location is good or bad, moving may not be an option, so let’s look at the influences of the area where you are, and how to offset or enhance them.
Please do not ask “Where is the best place for me to live?” or ask me to tell you where you should move. I just won’t. That information can not be discerned without having a conversation with the individual. I do not know what you like or don’t, mountains, dessert, metropolis? While the planetary influences are visible, I do not know how they are showing up in your life without that conversation.
Be wary of astrologers who warn not to live on specific planetary lines, or say one should only live on a specific line. It’s harmful and just plain incorrect. The maps only show a piece of the puzzle. The relocated chart and a conversation are also needed.
Provide several options of places you are considering or have been drawn to and would like to live or vacation.
Not moving? We will look at the influences of the current location and how to off-set them.
I use a couple of different software to pull the maps, the parans (the horizontal influences), the charts, and the reports. All the maps, charts, and reports will be emailed after the session.
Remember: Wherever You Go - There YOU are!
Galactic Astrology
" I wonder what star nations my soul is connected to? "
"I'm interested in everything metaphysical, spiritual, extra-terrestrial."
"I've always felt I am here on a mission, but I don't know what it is."
"I've had a lot of paranormal ET experiences in my life, and would like more information about it."
Does this sound like you?
Let's discover and identify your galactic connections with the information in your natal Astrological chart!