Progressed Moon
🌙 Where is your progress moon! Are you loving it or ready for change?
You can find out where yours is for free at OR Book a session with me and we can talk about where your progressed moon is and how you can use the energy to your advantage.
The Progressed Moon moves 1 degree per month and is calculated from the natal birth chart. The progressed moon stays in each sign approximately 2.5 years or 28-29 months.
♈️Aries is independent. This is a time to get active, move your body. Focus on being independent and standing out.
♉️Taurus is reliable. This is a time to slow down and enjoy life. Get on a schedule and find your rhythm.
♊️Gemini is versatile. Focus on communication skills, studying and writing. It’s okay to go from topic to topic.
♋️Cancer is loving. Focus on the foods you are cooking to nurture yourself and your family. Create a cozy comfy spot at home to spend time with family.
♌️Leo is confident. This is a time to focus on getting creative, learning about yourself. Allow yourself to dress up and shine like a superstar!
♍️Virgo is meticulous. This is a time to focus on the details, start a detox regime and make health a priority. Spend time with animals and get organized.
♎️Libra is balanced. This is a time to focus on collaboration. Spend time around others.
♏️Scorpio is mysterious. This is a time to focus on inner shadow work or just paying attention to your feelings.
♐️Sagittarius is hopeful. This is a time to focus on being adventurous, study religion, astrology and travel to learn about other cultures.
♑️Capricorn is ambitious. This is a time to focus on patience, perseverance, and dedication to your goals. Take time to plan your financial future and set goals.
♒️Aquarius is humble. This is a time to focus on humanitarianism and community projects.
♓️Pisces is patient. This is a time to spend more time alone as you may feel more sensitive. Focus on meditation and anything of a spiritual nature. It is wonderful to help strengthen your relationship with God.
Yes, I am slightly complaining about my current Progressed Pisces Moon. While I have maximized the time in Pisces, spending a lot more time in meditation and sleeping plenty, I can feel the glimmers of fiery Aries just around the corner, and still full on in Pisces. “I have so much I want to do, but I’ll just stay in bed a bit longer.”